Ok, I’m getting really upset/angry. After loading the new version, most of my coverart vanished, the retail price will not populate, and the LOC is blank. More unusual still, it looks nothing like the pictures above!. no row of icons at the bottom to start with. Lastly, the update dropped a number of my cataloged books. I now have the option of sifting through my 1,500 hardcopy collection to see which 300 books are missing, or just leaving it alone because like most people I have a job, family, and no time for this.
Sent request for help to DL. The forums are drawing a blank on these issues. If I don’t hear back soon I’m switching to something else. This is sad, since DL was such a reliable program that populated the fields with no extra effort from the user.
55browning about Delicious Library 3, v3.6